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Intro to Blueprint Reading

Builders & Contractors Exchange 1118 Azalea Garden Rd., Norfolk, VA

$200.00 per Student This is a four-hour introductory class on blueprint reading. Basic principles covered include drawing elevations, sections, scaling, dimensions, isometric views, orthographic projection, schematic drawing, and drafting terminology. Seating is LIMITED - Sign up early! REGISTER HERE



Builders & Contractors Exchange 1118 Azalea Garden Rd., Norfolk, VA

Member - $100 per student / Non-Member - $150 per student • Adult CPR/AED and First Aid • American Heart Association certification valid for two years • Training course is fully OSHA compliant CPR & First Aid Class includes a two year certification from the American Heart Association Seating is LIMITED - Sign up early...



Builders & Contractors Exchange 1118 Azalea Garden Rd., Norfolk, VA

Member - $475 per student / Non-Member $550 Per Student This is an 8-Hour Refresher Course for those who completed the 24-Hour Fall Protection Certification Training. This course meets the requirements of the US Army Corps of Engineers Manual 385-1-1 required annual 8-Hour Refresher. Students will receive a certificate upon completion of the class Seating...


OSHA 30 HOUR – Class 1 of 4

Builders & Contractors Exchange 1118 Azalea Garden Rd., Norfolk, VA

Member - $500 per student / Non-Member - $700 per Student January 23, 24 and January 30, 31, 2025 You must attend all four (4) classes to complete the course. This course is intended to provide construction workers general awareness on recognizing and preventing hazards on a construction site. The training covers a variety of...
