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Harpoon Larry's 621 J Clyde Morris Blvd., Newport News, VA

$50 per person - BCE Members Only Join us April 16th from 5:00 to 7:00 PM for fellowship and fun! We will have heavy appetizers and drinks for you to enjoy REGISTER HERE



Harbor Park 150 Park Ave., Norfolk, VA

$38 adult Ticket  /  $36 Child Ticket (3-9; 2 and under are free) Join us August 23rd at the Bold Rock Party Deck, Harbor Park Stadium / Social 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm / game time 6:35 pm Your ticket includes Entry to the Party Deck and a ticket to sit in the stands. You...



Riverfront Golf Club 5200 River Club Drive, Suffolk, VA, United States

Join us on September 12, 2024 at the beautiful Riverfront Golf Club in Suffolk for a friendly competition to support our scholarship! Golfers will enjoy lunch and dinner and we will be awarding several prizes! Teams and Sponsors can sign up by REGISTERING HERE


OSHA 30 HOUR – Class 1 of 4

Builders & Contractors Exchange 1118 Azalea Garden Rd., Norfolk, VA

Member - $500 per student / Non-Member - $700 per Student January 23, 24 and January 30, 31, 2025 You must attend all four (4) classes to complete the course. This course is intended to provide construction workers general awareness on recognizing and preventing hazards on a construction site. The training covers a variety of...


OSHA 30 HOUR – Class 2 of 4

Builders & Contractors Exchange 1118 Azalea Garden Rd., Norfolk, VA

Member - $500 per student / Non-Member - $700 Per Student January 23, 24 and January 30, 31, 2025 You must attend all four (4) classes to complete the course. This course is intended to provide construction workers general awareness on recognizing and preventing hazards on a construction site. The training covers a variety of...



Builders & Contractors Exchange 1118 Azalea Garden Rd., Norfolk, VA

Member - $275 per student / Non-Member - $325 - Includes Lunch Construction Quality Management for Contractors is a certification course sponsored by USACE and NAVFAC. This certification is usually a contract requirement and is an integral component of quality management on Federal government construction projects. While there is no prerequisite for the class, students...


OSHA 30 HOUR – Class 3 of 4

Builders & Contractors Exchange 1118 Azalea Garden Rd., Norfolk, VA

Member - $500 per student / Non-Member - $700 Per Student January 23, 24 and January 30, 31, 2025 You must attend all four (4) classes to complete the course. This course is intended to provide construction workers general awareness on recognizing and preventing hazards on a construction site. The training covers a variety of...


OSHA 30 HOUR – Class 4 of 4

Builders & Contractors Exchange 1118 Azalea Garden Rd., Norfolk, VA

Member - $500 per student / Non-Member - $700 Per Student January 23, 24 and January 30, 31, 2025 You must attend all four (4) classes to complete the course. This course is intended to provide construction workers general awareness on recognizing and preventing hazards on a construction site. The training covers a variety of...


BCEVA MEMBERS SOCIAL – New Realm Suffolk – BCEVA Members Only

New Realm Brewing Company 5941 Harbour View Blvd., Suffolk, United States

Join us at New Realm Brewing Company in Suffolk for Food, Drinks and Fellowship! 5941 Harbour View Blvd., Suffolk, VA 23435 $60 per person Enjoy Heavy Appetizers and Drinks while you Network with your fellow Exchange members! Register Here Sign up no later than January 31st, Noon
